Monday, January 27, 2014


All through the weekend I thought I was going to do a post on my white board however, early Sunday morning our carpenter delivered our new dinning set and I started thinking of something else.

Sometime last year I decided to do some little renovations in our apartment. Bobo was initially against it but my enthusiasm gradually won him over. I made AutoCad drawings of our apartment and made several layout options including things like a dinning set and a toddler bed for Temi. Next I made a checklist of what and what needed to be done and we started going through it one at a time. Now you see one of the reasons I am so specific about our needs in the house is because we stay in a small apartment and I am truly convinced that getting a dinning set is very important, sitting together, sharing family dinners and cutting back on the TV time.

After the carpenter left, we left for church. On our way in the car, an image of our apartment when we just got married flashed through my mind…. Toys are everywhere now and almost all elements from Bobo’s bachelor pad is gone. This image left me feeling really tingly all over.

I promised myself to do some new things in areas of my life this year and one of them was to attend a revival. The last revival I attended was in university and that was a while ago. I discussed this with my friend and she invited me to one. She asked me to think of things I want from God this year and things I want to get rid of in my life. I actually thought this will be easier. You see, I've grown a lot these past few years. I can't think in terms of the 'I want .. I want... I want' frame of mind. My dreams and goals transcend beyond my immediate needs and wants.

So even when I think I want a better job, a bigger house deep deep down inside me I am absolutely grateful for the things I have, for this moment, right here right now…

Love Zansi 


  1. Hello Zee just discovered your blog. Will be back to read and comment later love you. Funmeme

  2. Thanks Funmeme. I will keep posting so there's more for you to read and comment on
