Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!

I don’t know why but I feel this year is going to be an exciting year but I guess everybody says that at the turn of a new year.
If I had to do an assessment of last year I would say it was pretty awesome. Last year was the year of my white board. However, that gist for another post.
One major remarkable event for me from 2013, especially at the tail end, was the passing on of one of my heroes Nelson Mandela. I have such remarkable admiration for the man even with his flaws because I have gotten a lot of smack from a certain friend that he’s a ‘cheater’, he’s this, he’s that but I have come to the realization that he didn't let his flaws hold him back. He was human after all. One of his key messages was about not letting your flaws hold you back…Going out there and fulfilling your dreams in spite of these so called ‘flaws’ . A lot has been said and written about Madiba so I’m not even going to try. My sister understands my admiration for this man so she tells me one day to imagine I had to give a speech at his memorial to world heads of states and dignitaries in attendance . what do I say?.. But somehow I start to imagine that it’s my memorial and not Mandela’s. Hmm…

Well let me just put it out there New year’s day is a double celebration for me, It’s my birthday as well so as we ring in a new year I also ring in a new year … so super cool. It also leaves me a little overwhelmed and exhausted as I get loads of birthday wishes which I really appreciate. I also get super reflective on the things I’m grateful for.

I am eternally grateful for the gift of salvation. Literarily Jesus saved me from myself. My Mum; an amazing, strong and just special woman. My husband; If I had to write words about this man I’d be old and aged and still writing, He’s my superhero, He saved me next. My babies; they are just the light of my days. They make everything fun and interesting and new. My sister; she’s my best friend, we may quarrel and have opposing views about things but we never let it get in the way of our friendship.

My friends…. I have amazing friends, true. If I started a roll-call I will definitely get into trouble. You guys are my sounding boards.

But to those that made a difference in my life in 2013, you all know yourselves. Thank you. I love you. I appreciate every single thing both good and bad.  and the rest of y’all 2014 is your chance …. Ha ha!!

So lets raise our “virtual” glasses for a toast to 2014… to good health, long life, peace of mind, success …. and Love …. And oh figuring ‘it’ out … whatever your ‘it’ is . … kisses … mmmmwahh!! And Please don’t let your flaws hold you back … Go out there and fulfill your (quality) dreams.