Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Adventures of T-Boy Series 1

Bonjour a tous! Yes I can speak a little French. Well not a little just Bonjour and Ca Va. My mum speaks French and she taught me that. I know she wants me to be bi-lingual. I know this just as I know it’s 7am because Mummy Joy just walked in to wake me up for school. Just like clockwork. Mommy and Mama Joy don’t miss this 7am wake up. Initially I thought they’ll get tired and leave me to wake up at twelve noon like my Aunty encourages me to but these women mean business. They don’t play. I guess getting me to school on time is very important to them. A lot of things are important to my mum. Like school work, I noticed she asks every day, “How was school today Tee?”, and she asks this same question everyday then we do my homework together no matter how tired she is after work or how distracted I am. So I know school and homework is important to my mum.

But I digress this is more about what I’ve been up to lately. You see, I am a very curious boy like most boys my age and luckily my mum listens to me. Like I know how the water goes down the drain in the sink into the pipe and into the gutter. I know this because I asked my mom over and over again and she didn’t get tired of explaining it to me.

I also have a new friend, his name is Dami. He’s five years old. I’m going to be four years old soon. We have loads of fun running around after school. Dami lives in the next building and we go to the same school but we are not in the same class. We play a lot but we also quarrel a lot. Honestly, I don’t know why. It usually starts out as playing but somehow escalates into fists. Yesterday I scratched Dami on his face. It was a mistake. We were playing rough. Mommy was furious. I thought she would give me a smack but she made me go to Dami’s house and apologise. I didn’t mind so much because Dami and I are friends again. Well when I woke up this morning I noticed mommy had clipped my finger nails so short they almost hurt. She clipped my toe nails as well…. Like I can scratch with that… Wow!

My mum worries a little too much about what I eat, what I wear, who I play with, homework… I wish I could just tell her to chill and read the book of Mathew 6: 25 – 34. I try to hug her often just so she knows everything will be alright.

I know she cares about me a lot. She tells me over and over that I’m a superhero. I told my mum yesterday that she wasn’t my friend anymore because she asked me to eat my dinner before playing with a yoyo I just got. Surprisingly, she didn’t care about that!

T-Boy, My superhero... watch out!

*The adventures of T-boy is just me trying to get into the head of a 3 year old boy. I don’t think I can ever achieve that but I think I can try… watch out for more because boys are always in motion.
Love Zansi

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